
Set free

People fall in love with trees
And i cant explain it well enough
But i know, there are others out there like me–
And among them many, is this one.
On the 27th year of my journey,
here I am in the company of a stranger
Barely known for two years.
we have only spent passing memories–
I’ve stared at it and wandered,
I’ve photographed it. In magnificence.
We’ve played under it, made snow angles.
I’ve followed it through the seasons.
I’ve waited under it. observing -
the beutiful way it twists and turns,
Listening to phill collins talk about
another day in paradise, right under it.
I think i can climb and sit on it.
Why havent i done it already?
some of its branches hang low
as if calling me to get aboard.
love, will you join me?
maybe I’ll sit in the middle of it all
hide myself behind the leaves
stare at the world outside as it loops around it
It’ll be my hiding spot.
It’ll be where I’ll pen down
my twirling thoughts that rage
them nonsensical rhymes that engage
and I’ll tell the countless leaves around me
my poetry doesnt rhyme, and it’ll only coincide
with my memory of a fraction, something I treasure.
and it’ll surely reside in our pretence
But my words one day, I’ll set free–
my love tells me, I am too surrounded to see
someone out there might be in need of thee
and so someday I’ll set my words free!
but I’ll stay in the middle of this tree
then maybe it’ll feel like finally winter.
I’ll be the wise owl, on a leaf-less tree.
and I’ll wait till the next lost soul wanders free
struck by the way it moves,
the way it calls upon you
I’ll smile and leave the seat empty
and find another tree, and who knows
maybe then, I’ll write about the sea ..

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