Caricamento in corso...


By:Samuel Brooker

I can’t describe, what I see, for thy am lost, in your entrancing beauty. Torn apart, bruised and battered, in the past, thy hearts been shattered. Broken down, and filled with lies, thy see no hate, in your eyes. Thy say these words, with grateful meaning, your smile is like, the suns bright gleaming. I hold your love, in my hands, just take these words, and understand. From the depths of my soul, and beyond, like an angel who sings, their heavenly song. For I am not lost, as you are my guide. I will not be scared, with you by my side. Just fall into my arms, with me dear, and our souls will be one forever, year after year. In moments of triumph and moments of vain, or in sunshine or rainbows or even rain, there’s only one person I soley need,

                                                            for it is Kristin,
                                                            THAT MAKES THY HEART BEAT.

                                                                           THE END


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