Caricamento in corso...

my life with you.

I miss my life... how it used to be... to date together... to flirt with you...
I miss my life... how it supposed to be... to stay together... to marry me...
On the road... thinking on singing a song with you... Under the moon...
And our home... sleeping together in bed like we always dream... come back to me...
I meant to be... the one who sees... in your heart and finds the key...
I meant to be... like the sea... who with the waves embraces the beach...
I love you oh... I wrote a song... like no one ever did before... I know you oh... we grew up together... in my heart forever...
You will be
I apologize... for my actitudes, through the years... by all the tears...
I apologize... for not being constant... nor taking advantage of the opportunities we have...
I love you uh... open up the letter... it has my heart and a sweater... I love you uh... we should fuck together... in your bed forever...
Pls marry me...
I miss my life... how i used to be... to see each other and laugh for better...
I miss my life... how suppose to be... to say yes... in front of the altar babe...

Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di Sam°...
