
Say It With Your Chest

I hope you never read this.

So analytical.
Trying to find out what it is...
You afraid to be loved?
Or daddy issues so you skip?
Like the song comes on,
And you’re really feeling it.
But fear creeps in.
Someone might see your shit.
And I don’t deny you’re bruised.
Battered and hurt too.
That’s why you crave the rough sex.
The only way to love, true?...
Im not saying I love you!
Don’t know what that means.
Just saying...
Too many things.
I ain’t no player in the streets.
Never really even felt that.
Younger me with dope stashed,
Underneath the floor mats.
Cruising the strip.
With pops gold watch and a snap back.
The romantic in me,
Had to take that hand and fold fast.
And I been hurt.
And I’ve hurt just the same.
But I don’t play it to win.
I don’t play it for fame.
I just play it to feel.
The same way you used to cut.
So judging you for being you...
Won’t accomplish much.
What is my point?
What am I trying to say?
Fuck if I know!
I’m just trying to stay sane...
Catching feelings? Catch the bus.
Stay in my own lane.
Switch positions. Changing seats.
Getting off the freeway.
I’ll finish here from fear,
That one day you may hear.
Something slip out my mouth.
Some thought you won’t get near.
I just need to get some sleep.
Get my mind clear.
Instead of waiting like a fool.
Maybe grab the wheel and steer...
© S.C. Steele– 2023

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