
Tunnel Vision

“These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?

I was blind, and now I see.
and now I am nothing.
Hell is on earth. Only know so because I’ve been there.
It isn’t always burning, fire and brimstone you know?
Hell can be all around you, all consuming, everything.
It’s incredibly personal, as if it was created to fit your innermost fears.
and maybe that’s the idea.
Heaven is on earth. I think.
Not entirely sure cause I haven’t been there.
I’ve seen the brochures and it looks beautiful though.
Looked similar to my house.
Wait are those my wind chimes?
Jesus said he came into this world to let the blind see and the ones who can see be blind.
Or something of the sorts.
The sentiment is what struck me.
They have been trying to educate me on faith.
Like teaching a fish how to swim.
I’ve always leaned towards the experiential archetype.
Inside everyone of us is the potential to be in both of these places.
Not like a foot in two different States, but a piece of each inside of you.
Inside of me.
Spirit is internal, like vodka in glass bottles.
Which do you choose?
I was blind, and now I see.
Now I am nothing.
Hell  isn’t always that bad of a place you know?
They do have ice water and it isn’t very expensive.
There are plenty of friends to be made there as well.
The biggest problem with going there is a buying a ticket out...
It becomes home.
Heaven is hard to get to and easy to leave.
I often hear people talk of Heaven as if it is the final stopping point on the journey.
Then why do the people who go there seem to want to come back down with the rest of us?
It seems overrated. The brochures are basically identical but one is so much cheaper to get to.
I was blind, and now I see.
Now I am nothing.
My friend and I went to vacation at the same time.
I went to Hell and they went to Heaven.
When I got back and we compared photographs the strangest thing happened...
They were the same.
I was surprised to hear they didn’t have room service at the suite in the sky though.
The most enjoying part of my trip to Hell was what I learned by coming home.
Life itself found a new meaning.
Maybe Heaven wasn’t as far as I thought.
I just took the long road to get there.
I was blind, and now I see.
Now I am nothing.
© S.C. Steele– 2022

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