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At least we’re not the same..

Dear, Jusstin Johnson

At least, We’re Not The Same..

I remember when you left me unconscious on the laundry room floor.
Blacked out, Pants off, In Pain I wasn’t really sure..
How did i just become a victim of rape.
Everything we talked about, everything we did, really didn’t matter to you.
Everything you said to me, wasn’t true.
I was already a ghost.. invincible. Nobody could see me.
But you turned me into a monster. And now everybody could hear me.
Thank you for that, btw.. because I now know although I’m a monster, at least, we’re not the same.
How can you go on with your life & ruin other lives, and not feel any pain?
The more I see you in my dreams. Smell the scent of u on any man, I just wanna runaway. But i dont, Because of you, I am not the same. And because of you, i am not ashamed.  You want to win this battle, I’m fighting with you, but you won’t . You might have took my pride, my dignity & stolen something I could never get back. But again, thank you for that btw, I gained a new attitude, new identity, grew into a beautiful woman.. you’re might not be into, because you’re so into 14 yr olds, sick but hey, I want you to know that .. that is not ok. It’s not normal.. I remember 15 yr old me, used to be non verbal.. everything I said, was muted.. you thought it was ok to invade my privacy didn’t you? Did somebody invade yours? Did somebody hurt you, the way you hurt me? Because i need to understand, why you would do this to me. Again, thank you for that, btw i am stronger, wiser, smarter, and i again and again, yet again! I have gained, so much power, I know you feel it through your veins. And i know you hurt and burn like hell, which i hope you go to hell.. when you hear my name.
You got off on me, a little girl, and i get off on watching you watch me grow stronger then before. You got off on me watching me beg for lord mercy, and i got off on hearing you slur your words, lord have mercy, as you begged for my forgiveness. Shame on you, if you ever thought i was gonna turn out worse. Damaged, lost and stuck in this pain, for you this have might’ve been a game, but for me its real life it might be crazy, might be insane. But, i won, i win, you lose, you’ve lost. Behind those closed doors, lets see whose the one that’s soft.
Because of me, I’m a woman, that has a voice, that has name. And a survivor of pain
Thank you for that btw,
Because, i know I’m not perfect, but at least we’re not the same.

This is letter to someone who made my life living hell, but also blessed me to become stronger because of this situation. I just want him to know I accepted what happen to me and I’m moving on and I’m stronger then ever. You will not get away with this. I hope you get help. And I hope you find the courage to acknowledge you’re wrong and stop hurting others..

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