Caricamento in corso...


Sitting out the way on the loo again
Seems like its  going to rain
Think I need help
Before I go insane
So very tired and drained
Work is such a pain
Inspiration comes from the stangest of places
Hiding in the bathroom, getting ready to face this
Think I’m gonna go out on my knees
Not got the energy need to catch some zees
God help me if she asks another question
If I could please just make one suggestion
Give me a rest, give me break
Only so much one can take
Got me up at 3am, confused me to fuck
Knew I wouldn’t sleep, no such luck
No real reason, had to get up and dressed
And She wonders why her staff are tired stressed
Just gotta sit back and laugh
A celebration to sleep, a thing of the past
One last thing, I Find it strange, that even when I’ve crashed and burned
I’ve Still got a certain way with words


I was stressed at work this particular time so I turned to poetry :)

#Boredom #DepressionStressed #Work

Altre opere di Scarlett. L. Davies...
