Caricamento in corso...

One week after the Boston Marathon bombings

April 22, 2013 Earth Day

Waves of anger, compassion for the victims, love for a city that embraces humanity in time of need
Expressions of love and concern from distant family
Pain of lost life and limbs, lives irreparably changed
Joy turned to panic, shock, soul-rending news
Children and young women killed, so many hurt
Blood-lust of numb young men who can’t feel, dissociated from pain, high on killing
Heroes who saved others, rescued the wounded, repaired shrapnel-torn bodies
To all who witnessed this latest atrocity, and were wounded in their soul
May we all find peace.
One week and a day after my mother-in-law’s 75th Birthday
April 22, 2013
Burning resentment
Taken for granted, asked to do all, be all, serve all
Judged as inadequate, deserving of disrespect, dishonored, as in:
You’re turning into Jane!
Wrap the shrimp up for Dave.  He wants the vegetables, too. I took the fruit salad and I’m not leaving any.
What are you fundraising for now?
Food served not eaten, except ice cream cake, scarfed
Thanks not expressed
It was a rolling birthday!
Mom and Aunt doing dishes
Sleek, well-slept, well-served, well-groomed, comfortable boys (are they not men?) give gifts, and are loved for it.  
All the boys together  
(So much better without the wives! Tee-hee)
Except, need the latter so as to have the children in tow
I want to go to the finish line!
News of explosions
Sons are fine.  
The stock market dropped 200 points!
There is no peace, where honest emotion is never expressed
so un-lady-like.
Rest in peace, dear Jane.
