

Love is neither a color
Or lack thereof,
Love is not a belief or lack thereof,
It is not wrapped in beauty or ugliness,
It is not male nor female,
Young or old,
Love has no conditions to be told,
It judges not,
Offers no opinions,
Or advice,
No military or political solution,
Love is not sexual in nature,
Love is giving & sacrifice,
It expects nothing in return.
Love is not jealous, hateful, conceited,
Or greedy,
Love is tolerant, compassionate
Patient, gentle, kind,
Love asks no questions,
And gives no answers,
Love comes in all forms of people
In all shapes & sizes,
It does not need to hear or walk,
See or talk,
Love is pure like the purest
White light or virgin snow,
Love is forgiveness,
Love is something you show.

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