Caricamento in corso...

To be Devoured by Life or to Devour?

Sometimes life is so utterly delicious,
Out of it I want to take a bite
Rip it into stitches,
Sometimes I want
To take flight,
Which one it will be
Depends solely on me,
My mind & my soul,
Its purpose & goal,
When I die after I experience,
All the lessons of life,
All its turbulence & bliss,
My soul will go where the souls
Of poets permeate the mist,
Into the mysteries
The enchantment will wrap me
In harmonies & rythme
Of magic the rhapsodies subtle eddies
Will be fantastic;
My spirit will find endless bliss,
In the meantime I must confess
Live live on Earth I trust...
On human terms exist
I must,
In body confined
Among others be thrust
Live life be kind

Altre opere di shane dickie...
