
Breathe in the Toxic Wasteland Air

~This poem turned out pretty long and drawn out I think, and it’s all over the place in ways. But, I still wrote it and it still means something to me.~

Living in this wasteland
Is like being an animal trapped in a cage
Resources are always in high demand
And everyone is always quick to rage
Can’t we turn the page
Start this whole thing over
It’s a scene set on stage
It’s the burden on our shoulders
As we get older
This world decays
The temperature gets colder
But the fever still remains
A disease of the soul
A disease that breaks down our universe
It’s all about the push and pull
Our destinies nothing but a curse
And what’s worse
Living in this wasteland
Fighting over who gets what first
Or living in an existence that’s damned
There’s only chaos, no ones in command
Some of us are so ill
We can’t even stand
On our own two legs
On our own two feet
It’s our demons that drag us down
It’s an utter defeat
All these rules
We try to abide
But as the atmosphere cools
Nobody is standing at my side
I have tried
I have denied
This fate that hangs over my head
Sooner or later we’ll all end up dead
This is our imminent doom
The clock is counting down
It’s coming soon
Just glance around
Tell me what you see
There’s nothing to redeem
This wasteland bleeds
Let’s see where this path leads
Can we really be saved
Can we really start over
This road has already been paved
It’s made out of clover
And maybe we will get lucky
Maybe we will become bolder
All people care about is money
While all we do is grow older
Paper won’t be our savior
In fact, it’s become our devastator
And I won’t cater
To this earths’ demise
I feel so much more than just anger
Towards the common stranger
Yet I am well anchored
Yes, I blamed her
She had all the control
She put me in danger
She caused me to mold
To rot away
And then she left, while promising she’d stay
She took everything that was mine
She rearranged
All of the pieces of me
I traded my soul in exchange
For one beautiful dream
But that dream was shattered
I was destroyed
I am battered
Battered and bruised
My heart is consumed
By too many emotions
I’m sure she’s amused
Cause she simply abused
Me, in every way
Made me weary every day
Now I live on as a wasteland
As this wasteland lives on around me
We were always damned
We will always bleed
Things never go as planned
Our skies are in ruins, indeed
Just as the ground boils
Our skies are torn
Ripped apart, at the seams
As as it seems
Our nightmares have become our dreams
The acid rain begins to fall
Our skies continue to tear
It’s way too late to stall
We seem to be losing air
Do we dare try to start again
When there’s nothing to begin with
And as our bodies start to bend
Our minds begin to drift
This is the beginning of the end
The beginning of the apocalypse
Prepare to defend
Prepare to kiss
Your cushy life goodbye
And live as the wasteland
In the wasteland
Strap on your wrist band
Clench your fist
Feel the sweat in the palm of your hand
Stop and breathe in the mist
This is far from a dreamland
It’s more like an abyss
The air is poisonous
This passion is heinous
The animals have all become venomous
And I’m beginning to feel rather ravenous
Gas masks are in high demand
As our air sours
We live in a dying land
We all have our own stature
We will all be captured
By the blinding sun
Burning as it rises
Until it comes undone
We stand as nomads
No chains, no government
We should be comrades
Brothers in wonderment
Yet all we ever do is shrug
We never provide any coverage
We eat up the toxicity like it’s a drug
I can never seem to gain leverage
I can never seem to get enough air
I drown in my beverage
Catching my breath is rare
There’s a wasteland
Between the distance of you and me
I can barely stand
I can barely see
Through the hazardous fog
Could I really have been bind all along
Is what I see in front of me really just an illusion
Do I really not belong
I live in this confusion
My heart beats like a song
And my blood keeps oozing
I wrap my arms around my tree
Almost to the point of fusion
Could we just live in unison
Before the world comes to an end
Come take your medicine
I have a spoon to lend
Come take the potion
We can sit by our black ocean
Let’s dance and sway to the motion
Until the sun explodes
And the waves swallow us up
We always knew this day would come
We live in this wasteland
Peaceful bliss
Now we can transcend
To a better existence
Our lungs fill with toxins
Our skin is bruised and burned
Our lips are dry and chapped
Our heads we can barely turn
Our hands are clasped
Our stomach churn
I utter one word
The only one I can muster
We made this wasteland paradise
I’m happy we don’t suffer
I’m happy to fade away staring into your eyes
I pick the very last flower in existence from the scorched earth
And I give it to you
I wipe your cheeks of the dirt
At least I have this
At least you are real enough to touch
And even though the universe around us is ending
You, I will always keep defending
And even though we have to travel through this wasteland
At least we can do it, hand in hand

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