
One of a Kind, Finality at it’s Best

I’ve never been one to love myself
In fact, I’m one to borderline hate
I feel like my opportunities are fading
I think my life is one big waste
Like I will have been here for nothing
Existed for nothing
I am nothing
And all I want is to be something
Something worthwhile
Something charmed
A person worth living for
A life I have carved
With my own two hands
Slicing away at the slivers
To reach my demands
It’s almost too much for me to deliver
It’s almost too much to bare
But I have feelings and emotions
I’m built to care
And that is more than just a notion
I am more than a quotation
Arent I
More than just a line on a piece of paper
More than just an exasperated sigh
Or is that just a lie
A lie I tell myself to get by
I might be an unholy sight
But I do what I can with all my might
And I strive
To be better
To do better
To live better
To leave behind my letter
My mark
Something that I alone can leave behind
Something to be proud of as I depart
From the world of the living
To the land of the dead
Destiny at its finest
Finality at its best
And what possibly could be left
Behind by someone like me
Maybe just a phrase or smile
Maybe just a dream
A dream of what was
A dream of what could’ve been
When life was brighter
And not quite so dim
Was I the best me I could’ve been
The best version of myself
Am I the best me I can be
Or can I be someone else
Change my tune
Change my stride
While I’m still here
While I’m still alive
I can do better
I know I can
Watch as you fall
Watch as I stand
I am as I command
As strong as I want to be
Let me lend you my hand
And you shall stand with me
Fingers intertwined
Heads held high
No longer blind
One of a kind

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