Caricamento in corso...

Hello, My Name is..

I have never been a good person
I have only ever pretended to be
Which makes me feel
Just maybe
I have wished for so much
I have wanted for so much
And have never reached the possibilities in which I am probably capable
I feel nothing
Yet I feel it all
And what is to come
That I am unsure
I have pretended
I have lied
I have stolen
But I have tried
So hard
So very very hard
And it has all
Become nothing
I have become nothing
When I should’ve been something
My love has left
Broken my heart
And maybe
Just maybe
I broke hers too
My name is Shay
And I am not a good person
I have only ever pretended to be
But I will work harder
Try harder
Because I want more
And I know I can be more

Altre opere di Shay Morris...
