Now they are no longer any trouble to each other he can turn things over, get down… of things that never happened, all… unfinishable business.
At this moment in time, we’d like to invite First Class passengers only to board the aircraft. We now extend our invitation to Exclusive, Superior, Privilege and Excelsior members, foll...
I am very bothered when I think of the bad things I have done in m… Not least that time in the chemist… when I held a pair of scissors by… and played the handles
I was pegging out your lime-green… you were hoping the last of the su… might sip the last few beads of dr… from its lime-green hem. I had a blister-stigmata the size…
The sun comes like a head through last night’s turtleneck. A pigeon in the yard turns tail and offers me a card. Any card. From pillar to post, a pantomime
Five pounds fifty in change, exact… a library card on its date of expi… A postcard stamped, unwritten, but franked, a pocket size diary slashed with a…
I have not bummed across America with only a dollar to spare, one p… of busted Levi’s and a bowie knife… I have lived with thieves in Manc… I have not padded through the Taj…
We hunted, swept the planet pole t… to capture a glimpse of that rare… Through a thermal lens we spotted… picked up the trail of nuggety fae… then tagged the shiniest beast in…
We went out into the school yard together, me… whose name and face I don’t remember. We were testing… of the human voice:
To the Metropolitan Police Force… the asylum gates are locked and ch… by wandering thoughts and the clos… So from San Francisco, patron cit… I scribble this note, having overs…
In later life I retired from poet… ploughed the profits into a family restaurant in the town of Holzminden, in lowe… It was small and traditional:
It seemed an unlikely match. All… grinding its teeth in a plastic sl… nose-down from a hook in the darkr… under the hatch in the floor. When… it knocked back a quarter-pint of…
It is not through weeping, but all evening the pale blue eye on your most photogenic side has k… its own unfathomable tide. Like th… at the dyke I have been there:
Just how it came to rest where it… miles out, miles from the last far… was a fair question. Dropped by hu… or aeroplane perhaps for some reas… put down as a cairn or marker, the…
Which reminds me. He appeared at noon, asking for water. He’d wa… after losing his job, leaving me a… and locking his dog in the coal bu… We made him a bed