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A Hollow Smile

By: Sofia Feigelstock

She was once bubbly
Once nothing but bright smiles
Once interesting
But the naive girl ran
And she was hunted
She returned battered
Broken, bruised, beaten
Her infections smiles are hollow
Her giggles are forced
Laughs taunted and tattered
A single sliver of the happiness she used to be
They changed her
These hunters with cell phones
They whispered threats in her ears
Sang her satanic lullabies
Told her falsities of her worth
Her opinion labeled invalidated
Her body labeled desirable
Her smiles labeled as deceptive
Her goodness labeled evil
She was ripped limb from limb
Torn from the largest tapestry to the smallest cloth
Belittled and thrown out
Bullied and broke
The screen blinded her once twinkling eyes
She held on
For her not so dearest life
Praying not to be lost
To escape her captors
But they grabbed hold
For to them, she was no girl
She was just another screen
Just another photo
Just another comment
Another target
Another pretty thing to break and snap
A crack in the glass
A laugh over a keyboard
Just another hollow smile

Inspired by the image "Comments" by the artist Steve Cutts.

Altre opere di Sofia Ana <3...
