Caricamento in corso...

Dear Daddy,

Dear Daddy,
Why do you hate me?
Why do I have to bug you?
Why can’t you remember anything I say?
Why must I yell at you?
Why do you let me push you around?
Why can’t you feel my pain?
Why can’t you understand that my pain is aching?
Why do you put me in situations I cannot understand?
Why must you cheat on somebody?
Why don’t you see I’m dying?
Why don’t you notice I’m not a happy girl?
Why do you think you can buy happy-ness?
Why? Just Why?
Why do I sit here to watch you sobb, while I know this is not right?
Why do you still put up with her?
Why did you not leave so I could be raised by somebody else?
Why do you still stand, when you know it’s gone already?

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