Caricamento in corso...

Freedom at length.

My heart pounds,
Incinerating the commodities buried within my chest,
The deep burning of an almost betrayed soul,
I am at a halt,
The surroundings are but a mere blurred interpretation of life,
Images flashing at an irrational pace,
The sounds bordering my whole body as thought it’s an institution,
A crusty residue left where tears once laid,
An embalming sense of the timelessness of an era,
No movement within my toes as they sense a motionless future,
Accompanied by a synthetic lump abusing the passageways of my throat,
As I draw my last breath in the incandescent light of day,
It intoxicates my body with a sigh of relief,
As far as I am gone,
Is as far as I am free!


Altre opere di Taej Cutmore Smith...
