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Zombies and Beasts In the Street

Creeping in the street are zombies
Lurking in the dark are beasts
Beasts no one can imagine are terrifying people of these streets.
When the zombies see you they will chase you until they catch you
Fear will be spread every where and zombies will feast upon these people and the beast will pounce at them from the darkness.
When will that day come when there will be no fear?
When you can walk freely on the streets without fear?
But most people think that day may never loom and we shall be doomed for eternity
fighting these never ending creatures.
Where did they come from some say?
No one knows
we may never find out
Others say that day will come soon
when a saviour may come to their rescue
Be positive they say
good will prevail over evil no matter how dangerous they are.
Good shall triumph
Evil shall face defeat
These creatures shall end soon


Altre opere di Talha Muhammad...
