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The Jaguars Kiss

The jaguars kiss.
Sleek on all fours,
Silently stalking my prey,
My nose in the air as the wind shows the way,
My ears upon high,
Listening out for a sign,
Cunning and calculating,
With patience on my side,
In the breeze I catch your scent now,
I follow you to the edge of the pool,
In the bushes I sit silently,
You touched by the waters cool,
You stride in ever deeper,
Til the middle you have found,
Tis then you sense a presence near,
And turn to look around,
You smile as you catch the scent of me,
You look to where I stand,
'Come now, my wildcat, come to me,
Come forth and take my hand’,
From the bushes Now I take a step,
One paw now then the next,
And perform the ancient art of a connected soul,
Transforming fur to flesh,
Into the water I come to join you,
And you take me into your arms,
'My wildcat let me hold you, I’m powerless against your charms’
I smile and touch my lips to yours,
Your body pressed tightly against mine,
I vow to love you evermore,
Beyond all space and time.

This is based on the Native American shape shifters.

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