Caricamento in corso...

They Lied

They lied to her,
Told her that her gran was sick,
She cried for her,
And told them she would get there quick,
She’d die for her,
A feeling she won’t have to show,
They lied to her,
When she arrives, they’ll let her know,
I lied to her,
Though at the time I did not know,
I lied to her,
I just agreed that she should go,
I cried for her,
Once my father made it clear,
I cried for her,
Knew it was her greatest fear,
And why to her?
The greatest love I’ve ever known,
I prayed for her,
Sat in my living room alone,
I’ll go to her,
Don’t care what I have to do,
I’ll be with her,
And share in what she’s going through,
They lied to her,
Saved her from what they thought she’d do,
She’d die for him,
As certain as the sky is blue.


My wife is Iranian, and she lives with me in England. This poem recounts the time she received a phone call, saying that she needs to come to Iran immediately, because her grandmother was taken ill. This was a lie, however, told to her just to get her on the plane. The truth of the matter ended up being, in all honesty, much much worse.


Altre opere di Thomas Hardcastle...
