Caricamento in corso...

Before and After

Trisha M. Barrek  Hopkins
I felt like i never belong
I was always called the pain
I did everything wrong
I was only trying to beat the game
I’ve tried too hard for so long
But no matter what i do
I can never impress
I could never satisfy you
Whatever i tried turned into a mess
So sorry my eyes cant be the color blue
I’m sorry you don’t like the way i dress
I always took what i could take
I always kept everything held inside
I always tried to be fake
I never showed my feelings that i decided to hide
I never had the topping on the cake
No one wanted to see it through my eyes
I always was an out cast
But people finally see when my heart dies
But that wouldn’t even last
But this is before
I need to move on from the past
I need more
So i change my mind real fast
I do belong
I have no more pain
I do everything right no more wrong
I’ve won the game
Now I’m dancing to my favorite song
Everything that i do
Relieves me of my stress
My heart is brand new
The pain from before i have less
Deep down in my heart i know
That you i don’t have to impress
I decided I’m going to keep what i take
I think its time not to hide
I know I’m not a fake
I’m my own person my own pride
I can have all my cake
I will stand by my side
I see more clear through my eyes
From now on I’m leaving the past
I don’t hear my cries
From now on I’m gonna have a blast
The people that are mean I’ll ignore
I’m a different person now
I am happier then before
I no longer wear a frown
Being my own self i know how
I’m the one who wears the crown



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