Caricamento in corso...


The snow caps melt as the earth boils,
While they rush to build their hollow shrines.
Trees vanish from the face of the earth,
And smiles vanish from mine.
The air is engulfed in smoke,
Vowing to annihilate and choke.
Cobblestones are bathed in the blood of a million shades,
Like a silk tablecloth soaked in rich red wine.
Over the carcasses, they sharpen their blades,
Like a pack of hyenas waiting to dine.
An ocean of dread and vice,
Is not a sight for frail eyes.
I’ve spent my days trying to build a trampoline from quicksand,
Less brazen each moment the sun rays slip out of my hand.
A tug-of-war between the past and the future is lost only by the present.
We wrote our own descent,
Too proud and too stupid to comply,
Once bitten but not twice shy.
Now our pride’s a stranger,
Faced with an avoidable danger,
Unprecedented, but not unexpected.
How did we get here?
What took us so long to shed a tear?
Are we doomed to live in fear?
They warned us the end was near,
Now vultures pick their bones clear.
All that’s left now is a lonely sky,
As we bid life, goodbye.

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