
Lemons & Lemonade

I’m done trying to find the right things to say,
I can’t fix everything and I can’t have what I THINK I need.
I think of myself as unlucky because when I want something so bad I can’t breathe,
I can’t seem to quite get my finger on it,
But everything else? Everything else is so close I can taste it.
LEMONADE .......
I’ve come to understand that for every 5 minutes of luck life hands me,
I get a day of bad luck,
And then what you ask?
The cycle starts all over again .........
When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade,
No matter how bitter the lemonade might come out to be,
You still made the lemonade and now you have to sell it.
You have to sell this lemonade like your life depends on it,
And maybe it does.
If you fake it long enough and well enough,
you may just end up believing that this fairytale is your light at the end of the tunnel .

Other works by Wildgatsby...
