
For Barbie


One fine day
This girl was like “Hey”
“Take me to the beach”
And I said okay!
Now it’s been some time
And I feel the need to rhyme
Although my rhyming should be a crime!
But back to the girl...
Who makes my head whirl.
She’s on my brain for hours and hours
It’s like she’s got some friggin superpowers!
She’s really great fun
And always has a pun
She makes me laugh and smile a tonne.
I always feel cared for
And warm at my core
This girl just keeps me wanting more.
She’s got this way about her
That I completely adore
I’ve never met anyone like her before.
And after all I’ve said
My face is probably red
But you are that girl I let stay in my bed.

Otras obras de Willow...
