Caricamento in corso...

Who is more stupid?

By : Yiset Naizir.

How foolish to expect me
to give you my laughs,
my stories, my energy and my poems.
Of course I can give them to you,
but that is not demanded.
How crazy it is to idealize
that you can give me
what you don’t have.
Of course you can’t give it to me,
because it is not there.
Reason why what I give you
is not enough,
Just like what you give me is not enough for me either.
That’s why we will never be
the magazine couple
Because we do not want to accept that in mathematics
2 comes from 1 plus 1.
Then I think and look at the ceiling of my room.
And ask myself:who is more stupid?
The one who idealizes or the one who hopes?

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