
All Praises to My King

For the Love of Words

My tower my source of strength
My pillar from whom I cannot be shaken
My protector from whose hands I cannot be snatched
I praise thee my Lord for all the wonders you have shown me
I praise you; for all my praise I owe to you
My rock
When I grow weary you are there to restore my strength
When I lose hope you revive me
When I am lost you find me
When I feel guilty you soothe me with your grace
I am nothing without you
When I cannot see you become my bright sighted eyes
You lead me home where I belong into the arms of my father; God
When I see no reason to live
You remind me that you’re that reason for you came so that I gain life through you
You became life to the dead me and now I’m alive
When there was no peace between me and my father; God
You died so we may be reconciled
What an honor it is to be a co-heir with Jesus the King; the only man who conquered the grave
I praise you my King
My friend
My master
My love
My life
My every thing
To you be all the glory and honor forever and ever more

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