
I am Resposible

For The Love Of Words

Let go of the murderers,
I am responsible of my own death
With my own hands I shed my own blood
Let go of them
I am responsible of my own death
With the huge sharp sword I pierce my own soul
I am; by my own actions cut into uncountable pieces
I am responsible of my scattering life,
A life with no discipline or self-control
Let go of the accused
I am responsible….
It’s even not as if I’ve not been given self-control or discipline
It’s just that I am full of myself
It’s all about me; self-satisfaction!
Whatever my body cries for I make sure she gets it
Bear in mind, not everything my body cries for is good; within my morals
In-fact, everything my body cries and hungers for leads to death
I am the mother who nurses this baby “Body” without seizing
Making sure she gets what she’s craving for, no matter what or how is it
She’s too old; she should’ve been weaned long time ago
Am I then not responsible?
Am I not the one behind her death?
Lord please help me!
Save me! I need this taken away
My perishing never glorifies you, nor does it bring about any joy to you
I want, hunger, need and desire to live for you
I want; in-fact need you to be the center of my life
Be the origin of my desires
Hear my cry as I lay my heart before you
Fix my corrupt heart and take away the hunger for self-satisfaction
No one else can help me
Please dear Lord, hear my plea and help me urgently
See how desperate I am and help me
My help is with you; only you Lord
According to your Love, Grace and Mercy, please rebuild me
Make me, collect my scattering soul
Lord I am your temple and I am breaking
The walls have been falling all this while
And they are still falling
I am naked, cold and void
Please have mercy on me
I am praying
Please listen attentively to my prayer
Do not turn your ear or your face away from me
By these my actions I am grieving your Holy Ghost with whom I am sealed
How long will I bear the pain I cause on my own?
How long will this last?
Set me free!
I am begging you, please reassemble me
Uproot, destroy and flush the rotten behaviors of my heart
I cannot bear this any more
In Christ Jesus I believe; He really is a King who has my solution and healing
In his name please forgive me
Forgive my iniquities and transgressions
Clean me with his strongest blood
Please! O Lord! Please hear and help me urgently  
Lord I am not demanding or commanding you,
I am pleading and begging my Father
I am desperate for your help
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