Caricamento in corso...

Sonnet of Motherhood X

I walked among the flowers that bend their heads
Low to the earth and back again to light,
Hearing them prattle of their blue and white’€”
Violet and jasmine in the bordered beds.
They whispered them of every wing that weds
388ഊFragrance to fragrance in the dusky night;
And, seeing them, I knew another sight,
And saw them bowing where all Beauty spreads.
I touched each petal with the sunbeams flaked’€”
Roses and pansies of the early morn,
Lilies that lilted of the moon’€™s light grace,
And left them hushed when all my joy was slaked;
For in the garden of my soul, God-born,
Each flower made beauty for my child’€™s soft face.
Altre opere di Zora Cross...
