Caricamento in corso...

Galaxy of Feelings

For my darling girlfriend

When I talk to her, it is as if the whole world stops for a moment. A moment my heart is graced with the pleasure of skipping another beat. A moment when life stops to tell me that I made the right choice this time! Considering how you make life bearable; containing your words to concoct a potion of honesty, strength, and love. Seeing your smile alone brings out the best in me.

Forgive me as I stare in wonder at someone more admirable than the statue of liberty herself. Forgive me as I gaze deep into your deep, night sky, blue eyes. Forgive me as I appreciate your powerful red hair claim half of each perfectly poised cheek. Forgive me as I glance your glistening earrings, forgive me as I see that shining necklace hang gracefully upon your neck. Your majesty.

You are a queen worthy of nothing less than a king. I am no king! A mere peasant in comparison. Your kingdom, beautiful and majestic as the bright red rooves hang above the golden streets just outside your divine, greyscale castle. Your prince broken a corrupt. Broken because of a shattered past. Corrupt because of an uncertain future.
My life revolves around even the smallest thought of you, Defining beauty on all its forms for all to see. Echoes of you take hold when you fall off of the life raft holding you above the sea that is your life; and while I swim in my life, I’m searching of a way round to join you in your sea. Just know that when you come back up for air… I’ll be right there.

Take a real firm hold as I lift you from the water. Hold me closer than your deepest secret and allow me the privilege to whisper in your ear as you clench my wrists with love.                                                                                                                        “My strawberry, my fruit of the earth. How can one provide a stronger love than one already does for you?”                                                                                   To which you whisper back                                                               “the strength of love one is feeling is stronger than one knows. For the strength of graphene could not even begin to compare!”

Please take these words as you see written, know that words will never be able to single handedly justify my love for you.

This is an original ode | rant | poem written for my girlfirend. This has been published to this page for other users to read, share and enjoy. Why not leave some feedback? It's greatly appreciated.

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