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Pipe Dreams

The dream of reality, theism of an atheist.
¡Ah!... Paradoxical nature of the astral.

What a mad, crazy, strange world we live all in.

What it is normal, typical, usual, common & sane, one day could be atypical, unusual, weird, insane & abnormal, so it is upside down, in vice versa, with all the possible differences, opposites yet are also just the same, the universe is just a fraction of myself.

The whole world is and everyone are only empty rooms to be inhabited and inhabit the habitat, is to be the habitat, all and none, both at the same time in different places.

¡Oh!... Eternal cosmos.
The self is glorious.

Still, my world is unaffected, my immortal heart remains & also my life over all the whole, the kingdom of Al grows strong, always victorious, libre as the windy storm, full of power goes, rules through the vast universal laws, thunderclouds & thunderbolts, the sigil of the creator chant, because the solipsistic champion conquer the entire macrocosm, mine truly, has conquered himself, has conquered thyself; Has said, the only deity, the only god, the author, the genius lord, the supreme being, the speaker, the writer, I, personally, Yo.

What it is real and truth for others is false and fake.
What it is fake and false for others is truth and real.

Death is alive my dear although death one day could die, then immortals will come and many of them could be living dead, death can not live without the life, death exist because life exist, life exist to live what all the death can kill, immortal death, immortal life, they smoke themselves in this wonderful yet nightmarish dance, enjoy the battlefield, dreams are real, reality is a dream, machine of pipes, pipe is a machine, ¡Pipe Dreams!.

When pipe dreams becomes real & truth everyone loses their minds, then the dreamer become the thunderbolt shaking, creating, destroying & debunking to the grounds, to the ashes, the pseudo constructions of the idiots, through the storm who is himself, a winning champion without a doubt above them of the who, who where not capable of understanding my eternal crown & throne of god who remains and prevails in my divine triumphant emperor king aura, the royal Alma.

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