
Expect Hope

For that girl who needs to calm down...

If only we’d given up
Through marrows called problems
Without even pushing up
And aches left unsoften
If only we’d given up
To vane insults
Feeling weakened
And trying to ignore them
It’s not about storms
Nor beasts, nor dreams
It’s about challenges
That often let us sink
If only we’d given up
To selfishness and sadness
To the conformist hurricane
And lending the victory to madness
If only we’d given up
To the aches
To the fists
And let our lives there finished
But no, we didn’t give up
We fought
Without violence nor revenge
But with self-control and patience
To hopelessness goodbye we say
With hope we’ve persisted
Through valleys and mountains
Through rivers and mist
When we found ourselves beaten
When you find yourselves lost
When all has been spoken
Remember there’s hope

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