Caricamento in corso...

Can’t or Can

...The comma... or "Ode to the comma"... or "comma, comma, comma, chameleon";...that's a nice's karma?! That's good...

The constellation; a star you say. Two arms a head and foot. Stout and ready to remove any obsticle. It’s shaped like a comet or comment; you say or not.
Funny little thing it is to have a consideration. You think you have it but really it has you. It might but an eraser can take care of that. If it were only that easy but it is!
Does it really cost something to go from one side of your own brain to another. “What toll booth is this?” Check point char what? That means gray.
So we’ve come to some conclusion or a peristance that decision is Free. So why again did the chicken cross the road for a persistence bypetal convergence of a yonder domicile.
Truly it’s all about you.
Copyright © 2019 Callie E. Austin

This poem or prose idea was inspired by a dear friend Martin. A sweet person with a huge heart for helping others. He is homeless and recycles bottles and cans to get his life ahead as best he can. His slogan is "It is in the Cans; not the Can nots" meaning hope for getting out of homelessness for himself and others. It's meaning is only that of Love and hope for others less fortunate struggling in life needlessly. I wish for help and love for one another and we see World Peace in our time. So our children do not struggle as they do today. Wishing you a fun, happy and peace filled life. Callie E. Austin

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