Caricamento in corso...


Bless me, father for I have sinned.
I’ve fallen from the lord’s grace. I do not have faith.
For I have committed the seven deadly sins and took the Lord’s name in vain.
I lust for his taste a little salty and a little sweet.
A metallic penny in a glass of vodka kinda tastes.
Leaves me hungry for more gluttony has given birth to a new name.
I take pride in his fragrance, a pheromone heroin addict I’ve became.
I’m greedy and no, I’m not sharing. He is all mine and you can’t have any.
I’ve become a sloth. I can’t do anything. He consumes my brain.
Jealousy driving me to do unnatural things.
Envious of how he looks when he looks their way.
Try to take him and you will feel a wrath that will scare Jesus away.
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned!
The words I prayed in the Vatican today.
© Candy81

poem written on the seven deadly sins

#dark #deadlysins #religion #sins

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