
Staying Down

They say everybody needs a hero
Who do I look to when I’m already so high?
I’m floating
I’m in the sky
I can fly
I could fall; I’ll stay up here though
Smoke up here is thicker
Noises getting bigger
Process your thoughts; let your mind deliver
Deliver deception, misconception, crazy perception
I hate gravity but I appreciate it
What goes up must come down
It’s physics
It’s life
It’ll always hit the ground
No one wants to but when you do come down
It’s being stuck in a black hole with no ladders
You see no light; not even a glimmer
Can’t eat
No sleep
Your world rapidly shatters
You’ll kick, punch, toss
An around the clock fight
Your patience runs thin as the struggle inside grows within
Hurtful words without meaning
No thought; just screaming
You loved when you did it, but admit it
Life gets easier when you quit it
When temptation strikes
Remember those first few days and horrendous nights
Life at that point; repulsing
Disgusting; in so many ways
Sleep all-day
Wake up worrying, “Will you or won’t you?”
On good days you float at the top of the sky
On bad days you lay there begging to die
Watching your back; never knowing
The fear of the unknown; a big mystery
Coming down and staying down guarantees pure misery
Once down you realize the damage you’ve caused
Real eyes realize real lies
There’s no future in floating or flying
The future lies within gravity
Keeping both feet on the ground and actually trying

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