Caricamento in corso...

Consistence of Curvy

Curvy and I were friends
since the moment I was born
in fact she was friends with
both my parents too
Curvy was there while I grew
up from the toddler times through
to the high school days when I didn’t
really want to be friends anymore
After high school I realised that
Curvy was the only friend who stayed
and I knew that Curvy wouldn’t leave
my side until the day I died
I wasn’t Curvy’s only friend oh no
you could even say Curvy had more
friends than everyone else but
she was never really popular
Curvy had friends from every
place and every culture in every
generation in the world and kept
most of them close by somehow
So you could understand our
confusion when everywhere we
looked everyone around us started
to tell us that Curvy was back
After all where did Curvy go?
Curvy never went away Curvy
didn’t stop exiting even when
people told her that she should
Curvy stuck around I shouted
believe me I would know I have
21 years of photographic proof she
did and I am living proof she’s still here
Curvy never left and
Curvy is here to stay so
learn to love Curvy or
get the hell out of our way.

Altre opere di Chloe Kincaid...
