Caricamento in corso...


Looking beside me I saw the rain lightly falling like mist lighting up with
sunlight like a veil, becoming
It rained the same way many of us fall in love
At first nothing, then light
spitting, which is often also in
love, or perhaps that’s just
Then it came all at
once. The heaviest rain lasting the
longest and oh boy, it was the most
beautiful thing…
How nice is that!
And how fitting a time that it fell,
and that I fell too, at a time when I needed
to be washed well, clean of something that felt a little bit
Then it finished.
And while the sun never left, it grew
brighter and I wondered if
like rain, love was also always
supposed to end…
what would wash away the dirt of that pain?

Altre opere di Chloe Kincaid...
