
The Vagaries of Love – supposedly!

By Stanley Collymore
Universally people state that
they love lots of things, or
more appropriately also
claim or rather like to give the general
impression that they do. But crucially
what really is love and basically how
does it appropriately or even literally
let alone uniquely, essentially fit into
these not uncommonly, and literally
invariably, diverse things? And also,
what naturally, blatantly essentially,
stimulates that distinctive passion,
which quite effectively causes one
to actually clearly categorize what
they individually feel as real love?
And even if that evident, complex
question were definitely, logically,
likewise basically and also rather
intelligently answered, what then
naturally triggers this discernible
emphasis for this rather obvious
demarcation in which these very
categories of love, are then also
subjectively placed and as is all
too often the case, then literally
casually or patiently effectively
most ironically then summarily
easily, and wantonly discarded
for something that is regarded
as new and also considered to
be respectively as well literally
evidently more advantageous,
and beneficially, to one’s self?
Love essentially is an emotion that
can be altruistically encouraged
and also positively nurtured
certainly from birth, and equally also
similarly stymied, or quite out rightly
blighted by those who influence our
respective life and that accordingly
we want to quite ingratiatingly and
basically, unthinkingly for our self,
desire to, and similarly effectively
set out to please. Or can likewise
essentially be a crucially positive
introduction to what life, really is;
living with and likewise amongst
others, in a world totally blessed
with diversity and quite different
ethnicities of people! Truly quite
intelligently what life and plainly
love are undoubtedly, all about!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
What significant numbers of people do is to confuse - either deliberately or delusionally - love with lust! What does your vocabulary spurs you say?

#Inspiration #Love

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