
Beijing City Shuffle

Lived in China for a couple of years; Wrote this more for the friends who enjoyed the journey with me...

Shoulder to Shoulder subway rides, an occasional blue sky.
Sights, sounds, smells and tastes all foreign, all unique.
But what can you say, that’s what happens when you are samlping dinner you run into on the street.
Outstetched arms with palms raised skyward direct thier pleas at no one and everyone at the same time,
while the latest bentley cruises just out of reach of the grime.
Times in pubs, laughs with mates, this city; like a melting pot,
who you meet and what the night can hold is always directed by fate.
Ta mere on the dice follows cards on the bus, the drinks can leave you nauseous but in the midst of a game,
who’s about to kick up a fuss?
Stumbling out of Heaven just to fall into the den,
sun’s already up, you think “shit did I do this again?”.
It’s Saturday at noon as your night nears it’s end, your heads not stopped spinning,
and your  mate looks like he’s dead.
Time to go home and pack in your friday,
it’s not lost on you both that tonight happens to be a Saturday.
But you are there for each other as at the end of it all;
it’s all sweet and sour, living from good times to better times under the bright lights of Beijing

Other works by Duane Alistako Narara...
