Caricamento in corso...

These Words

Once you turn your back, board that plane and get out of here
I will long for your presence, your smile, for you to be near
I will hold out my arms and await for your return
I don’t know what it is to hold you close, but I would love to learn
So many things that I wish I could say to you everyday
But I close my mouth and never speak to you that way
If you only knew how I really felt inside, something I fight to hide
Maybe at a different time, when the timing is right, you could be lying by my side
But for now you must leave me behind and follow your heart
If you come to the end and you’re alone, remember I’m at the start
Go live your life and go live it well
For these words I hold, I’ll never tell
Maybe one day when I’m under your spell
You’ll ask me these words, then I shall tell


Altre opere di Bleeding Ink...
