
The Life of a Pearl Oyster

Inspired by how oysters make pearls

The Life of a Pearl Oyster
Pearl oysters are bivalves
Has two halves with a hinge
They are really crusty
Shells tight with a fringe
Filtering water for food
Through very tiny gills
All pearl oysters start out
Males with all the thrills
After about four years
They switch to a girl
It sure sounds weird
How they make a pearl
She lays a lot of eggs
That float in the water
Finding a place to hatch
Grab on like a squatter
After firmly attaching
Can live for forty years
Hiding from predators
While having many fears
Often a grain of sand
Will wiggle deep inside
Irritating soft skin
Oysters take it all in stride
It secretes a substance
“Nacre” it is called
A tiny pearl appears
Coated and enthralled
The moral of this story
Do as the oyster healed
Coat trials with love
Like a protective shield
by Ginger Sizemore
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are involved in various trials
James 1:2
When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!
Matthew 13:46


Inspired by how pearls are created. Enjoy

#CulturedOysters #Hawaii #Pearls #Pearls

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