Caricamento in corso...


The product of war.

Time wastes away
As the retention overpowers
Their will to survive
Danger on every corner
Building in intensity
Casting out innocence
One submits themselves
To the institution
Consisting of protection
Terror sweeps the nation
As recruit after recruit
Succumbs to ruin
Gore soaks into the battlefield
Tinting the landscape crimson
Depicting war at its worst
Family members collapse
In knowledge of their
Child’s premature death
Wife’s and husbands
Wail out their despair
On united grounds
Individuals curse out
The higher powers
For sending recruits to their deaths
The government justifies
Its action as reaper
As protection for the citizens
Now we know the truth
We are the lost words unspoken
We are the ones who carry the burdens
Altre opere di Haven Degas...
