Caricamento in corso...

Sun's Decay

A piece about giving up....

My heart trembles
With newfound pain
I can’t seem to grip reality
I am dying within
Every time I let someone
Through my brick walls
Of protection
I am torn apart
They sing
Sweet symphonies of promises
Then break into a cascade
Of rock and roll
That shatters my soul
Until I am but a shadow
Of myself
I am a broken mirror
Slivers of myself scattered
Within the hearts of those
I have loved
But never been loved in return
I fall for their lies
Every time they whisper
Into my ears
I shake
I cry
I wither away
My colors fading to a dull grey
Like the color of my skin
Once their true hues
Begin to show
Why am I so gullible?
Why don’t I learn?
I want to live
But I am dead within
My heart having stilled
Due to misfortunes occurring
Back to back
Transforming me into
A mere meteor of destruction
Where I used to be a sun
Full of life
Altre opere di Haven Degas...
