Caricamento in corso...

Life or death

I understand that my decision will affect lives.
I think of every consequence if “this” arrives.
This is a choice between life or death. .
Everyone please wish me luck,
Im hoping for the best.
I think god has threw me another hard test. .
I need my mind to get five minutes of rest.
I need a solution. . .
How to kill a life, when people are fighting to live with cancer.
Lord please give me answers faster.
Either choice shall leave me broken,
My tears are rolling; Soaken.
They say you reap what you sow,
but is there an acceptation for those who are lost and just dont know?
Does “this”stay or does “this” go?
To keep “this” it would selfish,
but would also grant gods smart wish.
To keep this, it will not have a life to live. .
To kill a life is a sin.
To keep than struggle, neither this or i would win.
To save a life we call this a hero. .
Maybe this was sent to me as an miracle.
Stuck between choices,
I’m lost, hearing voices. .
To give a life a chance or to kill.
The answer i just can not feel. .
I try and focus on my morals and how I was raised,
I know this is my karma for all my old ways. .
The answer is beating in my chest;
Unable to see, covered. . thick fog.
I raise my hands and leave it to god.


I was pregnant in a bad state of mind,
i couldnt decide if it was right or not to keep the baby.


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