Caricamento in corso...


Can you really feel my pain?
Can you see the sorrow that runs threw my veins?
Can you honestly see my shame?
Can you really relate to the reasons I take the full blame?
Do you even know my real name??
Could you actually define my concept of sane?
Do you really see light after all this rain?
Could you truthfully identify what remains?
Do you fully understand my consequences if i decided to switch lanes?
If you caught a small gimps of my breeze, would you leave?
Explain to me your thoughts about “free”
If i was to tell you a peace about me would you believe me or deceive me?
If i said “i have lied” would you be alright?
If i suddenly called war, would you be ready to fight?
If i was to test you, could you tell wrong from right?
If i asked you to ride would you leave my side?
If i asked you a life or death question would you already have an alibi?
How passionate are you for your kind?
If it came down to it, for them would you die?
Do you honestly even know about me and mines?
Or do you just assume as the ones who only peak threw the closed blinds?
My every day struggles i deal with make people like you weak. .
Secrets of mine buried very deep.
Could you handle it, or would it haunt you in your sleep?
Some things i could never speak...
If i showed you my daily mission would you call me a freak,
or judge me beyond your compatible reach?
Glance at your hands are they clean?
Could you handle the real me?
If i actually told you, could you help me set my spirits free?
If  you don’t think you could handle it, don’t tell me you can then leave me deceived.


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Altre opere di Kadizia Lanaya...
