Made at 1:51 a.m. on 2/19/15
This poem really has no meaning I was just up one night being hungry and though about how I wish I was thinner blah blah blah. This was a quick poem I made and I didn't intend to post it but I did.
The waves splash around Hitting against the rocks They swirl around and around Taking me within them As I go with the current I look t…
It’s easy for all of you to say just to let go. It’s easy for you to say I don’t need that negativity in my life. I hear four close people of mine saying I should just move on. The only...
He keeps his head down Not wanting to draw attention He doesn’t want people to know What he’s up to He keeps his hoodie on tight
A four letter word with so much po… Something that taste so sour Claps my heart in chains Tugging them like reins Controlling my every move
Looking around you you see all the… They all look the same to you The way they walk, talk, and act. No one seems to stand out from the… No one understand why this is happ…
I hide form everyone Not wanting anyone to see who I a… Not wanting to be judged Or to be punished for what I’ve d… I’m such a criminal
It’s finally here That time of year Where lights are scattered around They are so bright Shooing all fright
Children look up to adults And sit and wish to become one The freedom that they have And the places they get to go and… Adults look down on children and s…
Fantasy is such a beautiful place Where you can be free No cares in the world No stress for me! The days are longer
All these people love me Yet you don’t My own flesh and blood Damn that’s sad! I guess it’s ok though
I used to have Comfort Zone Where I knew I couldn’t fail; The same four walls of busy work Were really more like jail I longed so much to do the things
Do you think of me while I think… Or does my mind just fill with fan… If only I knew how you truly felt… Even if it hurts me I think I wan… Just so that I can get this over…
In movies you see a lot of sappy m… When someone says “They’ll never… I’ve always made fun of it Because I never understood the tr… Love never ends
Bye Adios Arrivederci Ciao Auf Wiedersehen
Such a funny word Isn’t it? How we feel about ourselves… That’s what it is fueled on How much fuel are you giving it?