
Little Angel

written for my daughter Andrea

Little Angel on her shoulder I hope she’s sitting there
Watch over her with tenderness and show her that I care
Praying we get through this so our lives will then be free
And hoping she learned one thing that her only friend is me
Little angel on her shoulder this last wish is all I ask
I know you’re just a tiny thing and it’s not an easy task
I think she feels it’s all a game and hasn’t even tried
Forgive her for the wrong she’s done she should have never lied
Little angel on her shoulder our lives will start brand new
So keep her safe within your heart just the same as I’ve kept you
My daughters little angel came to visit me today
She sat upon my shoulder I heard her softly say
I’ll keep her safe within your reach and guide her tenderly
Don’t shed no tears just be her friend the rest is up to me
Little angel on my shoulder it hurts to see her cry
But when I look right at her I see that you’re nearby
There’s a tap on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear
Andrea’s little angel said “Listen to me dear”
I’m back to walk by her side
As she takes me on a roller coaster ride
I know you worry every day and night
Just remember she knows wrong from right
Have I been there though out her years
Picked her up and dried her tears
Held her hand when you’re not there
Showed your love and how much you care
Carried her when she can’t walk
Heard her words when she can’t talk
Have I let you down when I said I would
Even when she showed that she could
I’ve guided her down every bumpy road
As she carried quit a heavy load
Little angel I’m no longer close to her
How will I know you’re there for sure
The drama the things she goes through
Little angel it might be to much for you
So why would you think I wouldn’t do that now
Still much to learn and show her how
Just remember how strong she can be
And that you can always count on me
From birth and as she grows older
I’m the angel upon her shoulder

Other works by Kat...
