

when we stop the clock

heavy breathing,
heart is pounding,
sweat between our limbs
endless battle,
more to handle,
then the clock it stops.
we’ve.. stopped.
take a good look,
where’s the handbook,
when the clock it stops
easy breathing,
heart is sleeping,
sweat no longer wins
why even battle,
all we handle,
when the clock has stopped
i love the moments like this,
everything has paused
no longer grasping for the tassel just out of reach,
when moments fly too fast to catch
i love this state of ecstasy,
the world can’t hurt me here,
but when i wake again from silence,
those moments of panic begin
so when you’re breathing,
and heart is pounding,
don’t forget you’ll sweat
yet this endless battle,
you can handle,
when the clock won’t stop
just breathe.

first poem. written on the way to class; the rush of adrenaline and anxiety keeps us awake and moving, but when we pause and let ourselves unwind in easiness, we can rejuvenate and begin again.


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