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He’s Not Good Enough

He is the worst.
Not handsome enough nor serious enough.
But it doesn’t matter.
He is enough for me.
Most people see the mess he leaves in the kitchen after making breakfast along with the trails of dirty socks on the floor.
Most people see the broken TV that was shattered in anger.
Most people see the bags under his eyes and his moody behavior during the day.
Most people see his unbrushed hair and judge him by the coke-bottle glasses he wears.
He isn’t good enough for most people
But to me, he is wonderful.
What they don’t see is the beautifully organized breakfasts he makes for me every morning.
What they don’t see is the dancing around the house in his socks like Tom Cruise.
What they don’t see is the playful video games that lead to rage quits.
What they don’t see is the late nights when he stay up with me to watch movies all night.
What they don’t see is how he plays with his hair whilst composing musical masterpieces.
He may not be good enough for most
But to me, he is wonderful.

Stop saying that people can do so much better when they have fallen in love with someone good enough for them.

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