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The Door

Once you were mine
You made me smile
I used to be on cloud nine
But now my heart is broken in a pile.
You said that you had lost
Everything you had felt before
And I understood that
So I walked out the door
Although I left the door open
Only just a crack
I left it that way
In hopes that you’d come back
Everything was going okay
You waved every once in awhile
Although I could touch you no more
You still made me smile
Well the crack in the door
It began to open up
You had snuck your way back in
As if the first heartbreak wasn’t enough
You looked at me with hate
Like I had done something wrong
I broke a little inside
But I decided to stand strong
The looks became more frequent
And my confusion just increased
But it wasn’t until what you said
That made my love for you become deceased
You said that you hated me
And everything that I believe
I cried so much that night
all I did was grieve
I grieved over memories
I cried knowing there was nothing I could do
You once said that if I was bullied you’d fight for me
Little did you know you’d end up fighting you.
I’ve had people scream in my face
I’ve had them shut my hand in the door
But what you said hurt the most
Because of a promise you made before
“I promise to never hurt you on purpose
I just want to hold on and never let go”
But you broke down the door and hurt me
And said I deserved it so
Well congratulations
Because your the first boyfriend that has won
I’ve taken down the door
And now I say that I am done
Done with self confidence
Done with trusting guys
Done with changing myself
And done with all your lies

Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.
-Paulo Coelho-

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