Caricamento in corso...

Just Want You To Listen

“You should make new friends” Ive listen that so many times.
Don’t you think that if I didn’t find hard I would have more by this time?
So many times, I wished I was someone else.
Maybe that way I would make my parent fully happy.
So many songs Ive written about this.
No matter how loud I scream, nobody listens to it.
Maybe if I was more interesting,
My classmates would come talk to me.
Don’t you tell me I have to be the one who talks first,
When youre part of the part is easy to say it
Dont you come and be mad at me for not trying,
Cause if I didn’t you wouldnt be able to talk to me at the moment.
You don’t relate,
You never did
Don’t you come and say you’ve been through it.
You’ve never felt
So left out
That you felt like a ghost or not wanted around.
Don’t you come
And give me advice.
Cause I’ve been here for such a long time.
Sometimes I don’t want you to tell me what to do about it.
I just want you to listen and say, “I’m so sorry you are feeling like this.”

Altre opere di Mora...
